How to do series! The 12 most common life troubles are solved

The toilet is blocked, dirty and smelly. What should I do? Several bath leaks are blocked and it's easy to dispel and disgusting! Measuring the body temperature put the mercury thermometer off the ground; stainless steel pot accidentally burned black ... ... these small troubles of life is not much, but it is still quite a headache. How to solve some common problems?

Kitchen trouble

What are the ways to clear the waterway?

The sewage pipes are the facilities that must be installed in the kitchen and the bathroom. The problem of plugging the sewage pipes is a problem that will be encountered in daily life. Then what should we do if the water pipes block up? It has a great influence on the rhythm of our home life. However, many of our friends are incapable of dealing with such problems.

How do I do a plumber to clear the toilet?

This problem is often encountered in everyday life. It is also a very depressing thing to not use the toilet. This makes people feel confused and seriously affects our daily life. Many people who happen to do such things will immediately turn to professional companies to help them. If they want to try it out for themselves, then it's up to them to know what's wrong with the toilet.

Want to never change the black tile joints, rely on this little money a few small things!

The longer you live in a new home, it is inevitable that the gap will be black tiles, and it is not easy to clean up. How to avoid the black cracks in the tile?

Tile scratches how to do tile scratches how to deal with

Many families choose tiles to lay the floor in the home, but after using it for a long time, they find that there are a lot of scratches on the floor tiles; then what about tile scratches? How to deal with tile scratches? Next Xiaobian will introduce how to deal with tile scratches and how to deal with it...

Wall trouble

What to do with latex paint on the wall? These 4 ways to help clean the wall

If you have children in your family, you can easily find that you can see children's masterpieces everywhere, especially the messy patterns on the wall. This really makes many parents have headaches. These colorful traces are really not easy to clear. If you want to repaint the walls, you have to spend money. Is there any way to clear these traces on the wall?

How to buy a non-slip floor

If you buy non-slip flooring, you may feel confused. There are many standards for buying non-slip flooring. Being a layman is very difficult to read, so some businesses that don't send out will spoil consumers with bad stuff. Then, the next Xiaobian to introduce how the floor slippery and how to buy a good quality non-slip floor ... ...

How to do 10 big tricks to help the wall damp

In the face of a damp living environment, many residents will feel this way. The indoor air is boring and the home is extremely humid. Especially for the customers who live on the first floor and in the basement, it is obvious that the floors, walls and ceilings are full of water droplets. The wall corners are full of mold, the wall coating of the renovated house wall starts to fall off, and the paved floor begins to foam and deform. Closet clothes and quilts have a damp feel.

Poor soundproofing of house decoration, there is always ash on the windowsill, in fact, there is a problem with the window

In the days to come, we will offer you little knowledge about decoration construction and building materials purchase. We will interpret the vernacular instead of seeking everyone to be an expert, just to be less fooled and not to be fooled. It's better to understand a bit than to not understand it. It didn't take long for the new house to stay. Once you get to the windy day, you can feel the embarrassing breeze. The window sill is also a layer of dust, which is really annoying. We often think that it should be a problem in construction. We haven't installed the window, but we ignore the seal...

Life trouble

What to do if the tap breaks?

What if the tap breaks? What happens to the breakage of the connection between the faucet and the water pipe in the water pipe? This is a bit difficult. Since the thread can rust in the water pipe, do not expect it to spin out. What if the tap breaks? Here we take a look.

How to deal with natural gas leak

Natural gas leakage is a very serious matter. If you accidentally, it will have a more serious impact on our lives. Therefore, we must be very careful about using natural gas in our lives. Before using natural gas, we must read the instructions for use several times. All kinds of details must be well handled, and careful attention must be paid to safety issues. Only in this way can we make the process of using natural gas comfortable and safe. However, in the daily life, if we discover gas leaks, we need to carefully identify.

What to do if the thermometer breaks to avoid mercury poisoning must see

Clinical thermometers are basically prepared for every family. They are generally a 2 yuan traditional mercury thermometer, which can accurately measure our body temperature. However, this small thermometer may poison you and even kill you! This is not an alarmist. It was reported in a while ago.

How to do when the stainless steel pan is black

People buy stainless steel pot because of its beautiful, stylish appearance, which can make the kitchen more graded and more atmospheric. If the stainless steel pan does not pay attention during use, how can the stainless steel pan be burned?

Life coups life skills

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