Xiaobian teaches you how to tailor the floor

Before installing the wooden floor, it is necessary to accurately measure the actual area of ​​the installation site, estimate the specific amount of use, and then determine the installation method. However, many people are at a loss when facing the endless floor of the flooring market. Which type of flooring should be selected? it is good. Xiao Bian today, we will talk about strengthening the floor in detail, for reference when you buy the floor.


  De Pin floor

Although most consumers prefer pure wood flooring, laminate flooring is not as expensive as pure wood flooring due to its high quality and low price, and it is also popular in home decoration. However, according to the statistics of the China Association of Consumers' Association, in the complaints against wood flooring, laminate flooring accounted for a lot, but in fact, as long as you pay attention to the following three aspects, you can avoid the recurrence of similar problems.

The requirements of the floor for a young family's decoration are: It is better to spend less, take care of it, and look good. Laminate flooring caters to the needs of young couples. Not only that, the laminate flooring is being favored by more and more renovated families because of its many colors and good performance. But how to choose the floor suitable for their own home decoration, this problem has stumped a lot of young families after 80, the following is called a few strokes to buy laminate floor trick, hoping to be useful to everyone.

Flooring purchase Nature Flooring Del flooring Formaldehyde Paint Decoration Home decoration

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